Coase Colored Glasses

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Thank Hevean for Gas-Guzzling SUV's

I was waiting in the front room of a doctors office and as I was flipping through a People magazine I came across an article about the new Navistar CXT. Standing at 9 feet tall and getting 6-10 miles to the gallon, this is the daddy of all SUVs. Check it out at ( I thought this was extremely relvent considering the discussion we had pertaining to idea that the "wealthier individuals demand more enviromental quality. Quite naturally, then, as Americans have become more prosperous, thier taste for environmental quality has grown along with, somewhat ironically, their preferences for the myraid consumption goods that many self-styled "greens" condemn as major contributers to environmental degradation--gas-guzzling automobiles, large homes with corresponding space and energy requirments, disposable convenience products, and assorted consumer goods and services." (Rothenbeg 6)

According to this idea it looks as though our society is on its way to wanting the drastic legeslation nessecary to achive optimal environmental quality. It smees then that "greens" owe a bundle of graditude to capatalism and the advent of such fine machinary, as well as the folks that purchase such monstrosities. I love America.


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