Coase Colored Glasses

Monday, April 18, 2005

rising oil prices and public transportation

I found an interesting article at about the rising oil prices and the effect it is having on business and the economy. What I found interesting was the effect it had on UTA. UTA says that for every 1 cent increase, it costs them 50,000 dollars a day and 2.7 million yearly, for only one cent. With the recent hike in prices (almost 50 cents, and still rising), that number is in the hundred million per year. I know earlier in the semester, we talked about public transportation, and the costs verse benefits. Especially with the increasing costs, it just doesn't seem like public transportation is cost effective and the price certainly isn't worth the benefit. I also found it interesting that a spokes person for the UTA said that the Buses that they currently use are only getting 4.5 miles per gallon, but that they are searching for ways to make the vehicles more fuel efficient. This may be true, but I am willing to bet that as a bureaucratic agency, they are investing more money lobbying for a bigger budget, than on fuel efficiency.


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