Coase Colored Glasses

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Why even make policy

Alaska has a very substancial amount of liquified natural gas, a substance that is viewed as a lifeblood to our energy needs. Unfortunately ALaska is unable to ship any of it to the lower 48 states because of the Jones Act.
When I read this article, I thought to myself that maybe city planning and environmental issues should be done privately. If the legislatures are in the business of making ineffective policies because their gunning to be re-elected, made chairman, or to get their names in the paper, maybe private companies should make our public policies. I am by no means saying that the NRA, NAACP, or any other like organization should be doing the planning, but there are organizations who do such planning. THe city of Houston is all privately planned. The city has a council with looks over the various parties involved, and they have a very beautiful city. Maybe the problems of zoning, waste, energy and other like issues would best be served by people who have a genuine interest in the area(s) they serve.


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