Coase Colored Glasses

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Class Assignments 2-17-05

Coase Colored Glasses
PS 4820 class members:

I have an "on again, off again" medical condition that sometimes
interferes with my thinking processes. (I know, many of you think I am always "off") I have it today (Thursday Febreary 17) and do not anticipate being able to teach tomorrow. So... class tomorrow is canceled. Here are your assignments for next week:

Please read the following for Tuesday, February 22 (because of the
Monday holiday we meet on Tuesday). Be prepared to analyze the Envision Utah ideas using tools from the course:

For Wednesday, February 23,read:

No reading assignment for Friday, February 25 but we will have class.

WRITING ASSIGNMENT FOR TUESDAY: Bring to class two questions you would like to answer on the midterm. One question should be a "course summary to this point" question. The other should be a more spcific, short answer (one-two paragraph) question.

Please post information and respond to posts on Coase Colored Glasses about zoning, smart growth, open space preservation, disappearing farmland, etc. Ask yourselves what are the claims, how can we know if they are true, what incentives are created by the proposals, and how do we know if they are good policy?



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