Coase Colored Glasses

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Free Market Enviromentalism

I know we have discussed the issue of wolves already, but I found an interesting article by Terry Anderson about solutions to the potential wolf problems that may arise in the near future in Utah.

Anderson gives an example of the Nothern Rockies wolves. Ranchers there have actually promoted wolves populating the area because they have been exposed to certain incentives from the Defenders of Wildlife. This group pays ranchers $5,000 dollars to allow wolves to naturally regenerate in the areas. There was also another fund created to reward private landowners for giving wolves a home. This experimented has allowed for a positive existance between wolves and ranchers, and not just relied on increased governmental regulation through the passage of Wildlife Acts.

It makes sense that by turning the incentives around, many of the Endangered Species/Wildlife Habitat problems could be successfully managed. Maybe a market approach such as this could be used in the future for a Wolf-management system in Utah.


At 7:29 AM, Blogger Casey said...

My question is, is how did this cost 7 million dollars? It doesnt seem like it should have, but just a random curiousity.
Also i like how only what was it 24 species have been removed form the list, and most of which were removed only due to errors. That type of stat shows that the program isnt working all too effectively. But too most people you ask them whether or not the ESA is good thing, there is almost a unanymous yes. That will make reform hard.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Nicole and Andy said...

I do think that the incentives have to be turned around. Money is a big incentive and seems to be working. My worry is where does that $5,000 come from in the future. If the program continues, who will pay? It's great right now because we don't have to pay, but would we still like the program if we had to pay the bill?


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