Coase Colored Glasses

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Wolves on campus

I never thought that I would have the opportunity to pet and be face to face with two live Wolves. Last night I was given the chance to learn about wolves and their re-introduction to places like Idaho, Montana, and here in Utah. The group is called MISSION: WOLF, it is a remote refuge in Silver Cliff, Colorado. The group travels around and educates people on how wolves live, eat, and interact with each other and humans. The traveling program reaches 50,000 people annually from coast to coast. Here is their website. The refuge currently has 41 grey wolves and wolf-dog crosses. This was an amazing once in a life time opportunity and I am glad I had it. You can visit and/or Intern and Volunteer at the refuge, I think they said that they have a two week or two month intern/volunteer program. This sounds like a group that is actually getting something done and not just another animal rights group that just talks about what to do and does not really do anything.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Kent said...

Looking over the "Mission: Wolf" website gives me the impression that this organization holds the opposite view as Charles. They are interested in preserving wolves in the wild and in educating the public about the impending "extinction" of wolves.

If I understand correctly, wolves are only on the endangered species list because they have specific regions that are used to count the amount of wolves in.

I don't understand why this group is so ademate about saving wolves when so many exist (just maybe not in Colorado).

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Casey said...

Actually in the lecture i found their views closer to Charles' than not.The main reason they use the extinction angle, is becasue it is much easier to receive funds for an endangered creature than a common one. Who wants to pay money to a place that helps a common animal, this way your money saves a species.


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