Coase Colored Glasses

Saturday, April 09, 2005

ESA meets urban growth

The ESA has dealt for a long time with the relationships between human actions and other species. According to a USGS site, most of the listings have not involved “major, growing metropolitan area(s).” However, that time has now occurred. The salmon listing now greatly affects that large metropolitan area. This meeting ground is focused on water supply. The fish need water for their habitat and live cycles, and humans need water for various purposes. It was pointed out that the ESA deals with variations and conflicts between economics and natural resources. Since we are the way we are, thinking specifically about commons areas, this problem focuses greatly on the economic side of issues. There will probably always be problems created between people, the solution is just to work to overcome and compromise.
One excellent thing about this article was that critical issues for salmon were identified. With that list, people are given concrete concerns to focus on and to try and fix. With direct listings and explanations it becomes possible for many to begin to recognize and understand the connectiveness of natural systems. One very interesting fact that was pointed out was also the fact that more pesticides are added to the system from urban runoff than from agriculture. This definitely raises the issue of who needs to change and shows needed future work.


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