Coase Colored Glasses

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Coase Colored Glasses: Wal-Mart vs. Costco

American better able to absorb immigrants

Don Boudreaux explains why here.
He says: In many other ways America today can better absorb immigrants. For example, compared to 1920, per person today we:

* have 10 times more miles of paved roads

* have more than twice as many physicians

* have three times as many teachers

* have 540 percent more police officers

* have twice as many firefighters

* produce 2.4 times more oil -- as known reserves of oil grow

* produce 2.67 times more cubic feet of lumber -- as America's supply of lumber stands grows

* have conquered most of the infectious diseases that were major killers in the past.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Dupa Jasia said...

I been a-lookin' fer it this cephalexin many a year, an' this here freshet done it.. The three returned together, zocor Alicia casting curious glances at the uncomfortable youths, Champe threatening to burst into giggles with every breath.. ) VII skelaxin THE FUNCTION OF THE DREAM Since we know that the foreconscious is suspended during the night by the wish to sleep, we can proceed to an intelligent investigation of the dream process...


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