Coase Colored Glasses

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Coal Facts

After class on monday, I became more curious about how much the coal industry plays a role in our nation. Coal is very interesting because it ties into many topics in class. Coal deals with everything from the economy to property rights to the environment. With regard to the environment, coal is not only limited to air pollution, but its effects on natural terrain and habitat as well. Many who don't understand the process are under the impression that mining destroys the environment. If mining and reclamation are not done properly, this is definitely the outcome. However, after working in various strip mines, I've seen personally that it can be done safely and reclaimed in order to provide a healthy habitat for wildlife and vegetation. In addition, with the technology that we possess today, burning coal is much safer. Many modern coal burning plants are able to burn coal cleaner than natural gas. For more information on coal reserves, methods of use, quantity of mines, etc... click here.


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