Coase Colored Glasses

Monday, January 31, 2005

Privatization, creating the right incentives:

Privatizing goods is a great way to create powerful incentives that solve problems and ensure solutions. Take for instance what we were discussing today in class about water rights. Water rights are a very controversial subject, it is difficult to apply the three ‘D’’s in a sense because some individuals view it as a universal good rather than a property right. This just emphasizes the importance that rights must be defined. If water incorporated the three ‘d’s , it would be much easier to develop rules. Unfortunately, clarity seems to be nonexistent, and that is where we run into most of our problems.
But what do you do if a precedent has not already been created? In America, although we still have problems, water is seen as a private property right, but in the Middle East the state owns the water. This doesn’t allow for a market. Without those market forces working it is very difficult to come up with solutions to the water problems in the Middle East I don’t think the problem lies in market failure itself, rather the problem is in our inability to accurately define property rights and create the proper mechanism of incentives. I think this just makes us reexamine the importance of allowing ownership and privatizing natural resources.


At 9:14 PM, Blogger Nicole and Andy said...

I think that privitization is a key to optimum performance in a given area, and as we discussed the real problem is who owns what. If middle east water was to be privitized, who decides who gets the rights? In an existing system it is so much easier do follow what has been done, but I see it as being hard to define rights in a situation in the middle east. I hope that someone will soon figure it out.

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of owning a peice of property is the right to divest such property, the logical flip side of this is that the right to not divest the property also exists. The consumer needs to make an offer "he (owner) cant refuse."Everything has a price, it just depends on who values the good more. The marginal value of the water will determine who gets it and how much.


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