Coase Colored Glasses

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Who Should Pay for Wolves??

Who should pay the costs of reintroducing wolves back into their natural habitat in the west?? Only the ranchers? Only those who want them reintroduced? Or both? The question of who pays and who benefits is an important economic and environmental topic that we have discussed briefly in class. This article disccuses the authors experiences in talking about wolf and grizzly bear reintroducition with local ranchers in Idaho and Montanta. Basically he came to the conlusion that ranchers only hate wolves and grizzlies because they hurt them economically. If reimbursed for their losses the problem is resolved. He also concludes that both ranchers and those who want them reintroduced should bear the costs. The ranchers may have to move to different ranges to avoid predator attacks and those who want wolves and grizzlies must be willint to financially reimburse the ranchers from funds raised by those in favor of wolves and grizzlies back in strong numbers in the national parks and wilderness areas of the west. Check it out. The article is located which stands for Property and Environment Research Center. It has a number of articles on Water, Public Lands, Wildlife, and Enviro-Capitalists where the wolf article is found. They also have related books listed for those like Randy who seem to have an abundance of time to read them.


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