Coase Colored Glasses

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

An old post revisited - The Sierra Club and the Sequoias

Remember this post?

Last night I was looking over some old junk mail the Sierra Club sent me on the same subject. It included prewritten petitions to President Bush and Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth with my name at the bottom. The two are nearly identical, but the Bush one is funnier.

Dear President Bush,

I am outraged by your Administration's proposal to allow commercial logging withing the boundaries of the Giant Sequoia National Monument. Logging in this way is in strict violation of the presidential proclamation which established the Monument.

Don't for a moment believe that when citizens elected you to a second term, they were endorsing this reckless plan. In fact, the proposed management plan is an affront to the vast majority of Americans who strongly support preserving our natural heritage for future generations. Giant Sequoias are among the oldest organisms on the planet. Many took root long before our great, great grandparents were born, and will live to see our great, great grandchildren - if they are not first destroyed by shortsighted policies like your proposal to allow commercial logging. I implore you to change your plan to one focused on protecting this incredible National Monument.


Mark Robertson

Wasn't it nice of them to write out the petition for me? They even put my name at the bottom so I wouldn't have to remember how to spell it!

If you look closely at my comments in the post mentioned above, you'll find my opinion that the Sierra Club's way of presenting this issue is horribly one-sided and deceptive.

They also claimed credit for the creation of the National Park Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the defeat of "the 'Wise Use Movement' legislation designed to undermine environmental and safety laws in 29 states," and the creation of the Internet! Thank You, Sierra Club! Your mail made me laugh harder than I have in a long time.

I'll keep the membership card, even if I refuse to send any money.


At 7:57 PM, Blogger randytsimmons said...

I received the same letter today. It is a fine piece of merchandising. The envelope contains the following attempts to overcome the free rider (collective action) problem (try to identify the strategies): 1. My name and address appear to be handwritten and Carl Pope's name (the head of the Sierra Club) appears to be handwritten as well on the return address line. 2. There appear to be real stamps on the letter instead of just the nonprofit stamp symbol but they are not real USPS stamps. They show three fine outdoor scenes with the labels, "explore, enjoy, protect." 3. They offer a "FREE official Sierra Club Expedition Pack." 4. They offer Sierra Club outings "exclusively for members." 5. A one year subscription to Sierra magazine comes with the $15 membership. Numbers 4 and 5 are on a page with the heading "More great Sierra Club Membership benefits... (underline)just for you. 6. A bright orange paper with the heading "Giant Sequoia National Monument Back on the Chopping Block." 7. A 3"x6" color photo of a giant sequoia. On the back is the following: The mighty Sequoias have lated for over 3,500 years. Don't let them be destroyed in just two terms of the George W. Bush Administration--please join the fight and the Sierra Club today." 8. At the bottom of the back of the photo is the recycle symbol with "Recyclable and Printed with Soy-Based Inks on Recycled Paper." A similar phrase is on the outside of the envelopewith the addition that the envelope is of 100% processed chlorine-free paper. 9. A 4-page letter from Carl Pope about how the Bush Administration is "thumbing their noses at conservationists, proposing a management plan that will open the Giant Sequoia National Monument to the chainsaws of the logging industry." 10. An information page on "the mighty sequoia showing hte statue of Liberty next to the General Sherman Sequoia--each of them are 305 feet tall. The page says the Sierra Club needs your "immediate support" and asks you to "respond right away." 11. A Sierra Club decal with the following on the paper you strip off the decal: "Please use this decal to show your support for wildlands protection!" 12. A Sierra Club calendar strip to stick to your keyboard so that "every time you see it, you will be reminded of the important contribution you are making to protect America's wildlands." 13. Another paper the size of the sequoia photo urging you to "Act now. And join the Sierra Club for the special Intriductory rate of only $15." It then says, "But you must respond immediately! The oil industry and other profiteers hope to benefit from their connections with the Bush Administration. That's why it's so critical that we have your support (underlined) today. 14. Another same-sized yellow paper with the heading "Sierra Club Named America's Most Effective Environmental Organization." 15. The two petitions Mark mentioned. 16. A color membership card 17. A list of Sierra Club accomplishments from 1916 through 2002. At the end of the list is the following: "Your participation in the Sierra Club will keep this list growing...Thank you for your support." 18. A graphic shaped like a conifer showing how much money goes for various Club activities with the claim that "88.4 cents of every dollar you give to the Sierra Club goes to the implementation of conservation programs."

Wow! This trumps even my last solicitation from the NRA for appeals to conscience, pride, ego, morals, fear, and ideology. It is a masterful collection. I wish I could find out how well it generates contributions.

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something else I noticed: none of the trees featured in the beautiful pictures of Sequoias are actually located in the Giant Sequoia National Monument. They are all in King's Canyon National Park or Sequoia National Park. (I don't remember which for each tree, I'm afraid.)


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